We know your pets are your furbabies, and you can’t just trust anyone to take care of them. That’s why we offer a free meet and greet to make sure you and your pup feel comfortable.

During this Meet and Greet, we can discuss:

  • Your Pup! Likes, dislikes, food or play motivated? Training goals?

  • You and what you’re hoping your dog will get out of this. More exercise? Socialization? Out of your hair while you’re working from home?


Our Services


Dog Walking

Walking your dog provides mental stimulation, physical exercise and chances for socialization.

Drop In Visits

We all get busy, but leaving your dog alone for more than four hours every day can have a negative impact on its happiness, behavior, and quality of life.


When a drop in visit doesn’t quite cut it due to any weekend or business trips, we’re here for them and you .

Follow our adventures.